1. 1. Informations about the compositions
    BeLuxTrains includes for each train some informations linked to the timetable as well as the compositions themselves.

    1. 1.1 Which informations are shown on each train file ?
      On each train file, you'll have access to the following data:
      • The train category
      • The train number
      • The departure as well as the arrival stations and times
      • The trip with all the intermediate stops
      • The running years
      • The comments (if necessary)
      • The running days
      • The vehicle order (from the head vehicle to the trailing vehicle)
      • The vehicle type
      • The period of validity of the compositions

      Informations like the departure or arrival times, the route, etc are based on those, you can find in the official timetables of each railway company. If one of these datas is adapted during the year, it will not be taken in consideration before the next timetable change (December).

    2. 1.2 Which informations are not shown on the website ?
      The listed compositions are only those from regular passenger trains running on Infrabel or CFL's network. Are so excluded: freigt trains, special trains (associations, mesures, work etc.) and also particular trains. On the other hand, all passenger trains of private or foreign railway companies are well listed on the site (DB-AG, SNCF, Eurostar, etc.).

      You'll not find any information about actual complete timetables or train delays. These informations are already available on the SNCB/NMBS or CFL websites (see links).

    3. 1.3 Which train categories can be found on the website ?
      All train categories are listed here and not only those ones who depend from the national companies (Eurostar for example). Here you have an overview:

      • EC = EuroCity: fast international train that links together European cities. These trains have theorically defined comfort and on-board services criteria.
      • INT = INTernational: international train.
      • IC = InterCity: fast train that links together important cities.
      • ICT = InterCity Touristique: special train that runs only during touristic season (Belgium).
      • IR = InterRégional: train that connects important and less important cities.
      • L = Local: train servicing all stations on a relation (Belgium).
      • CR = CityRail: train similar to a L-train, but running around Brussels as first "regional express service" (Belgium).
      • S = Suburbain: train ensuring a suburban service in and around the major cities (RER) (Belgium).
      • RE/RB = RegionalExpress/RegioBahn: train servicing almost all (RE) or all (RB) stations on a relation (Luxemburg).
      • P = Peak: train that only runs during week peak hours (typically 6h - 9h et 16h - 19h) or that ensures particular services during the weekend (Belgium).
      • EST = Eurostar: high speed train connecting Brussels with Paris as well as with London through the Channel tunnel (Belgium).
      • TGV = Train à Grande Vitesse: high speed train connecting Brussels or Luxemburg with France.
      • ICE = InterCityExpress: high speed train connecting Brussels with Germany (Belgium).

    4. 1.4 Are the informations totally accurate ?
      The data linked to SNCB and CFL trains are based on official documents since 2015. Obviously changes can occur depending on the availability of the rolling stock as well as any other events.

    5. 1.5 Is the vehicle order always right ?
      The answer is complex. The order and/or the type of vehicle can change following daily operating factors: breakdowns, revisions, transfers and so on. However it's important to note that the SNCB has not for the moment the Swiss or the German rigor and that's right that the order of the vehicles is not always respected. Noticing trains running on the same rail link that have completely different compositions is not rare. In generally let's say that the number and the type of the vehicles are right.

      For example:
      • the vehicle number is generally respected, excepted because of breakdowns, transfers etc.
        • an engine can be replaced by an engine of another class.
        • a coach of a class can be replaced by a coach of another class (downgraded or not).
      • the orientation of the train can be reversed during a longer or shorter period.

  2. 2. Reading the compositions
    1. 2.1 Reading direction
      The compositions are read from left (head vehicle) to right (trailing vehicle). A small white arrow under the composition is indicating the moving direction of the train.
      In case a train is reversing in an intermediate station, this one appears next to the left arrow. Another arrow also appears on the right with the final station. The reading is then done from left to right until the reversing station (here, Dendermonde), then from right to left after the reversing station.

      It must be noticed that only reversing stations located in Belgium and the Great Duchy of Luxemburg are shown !

    2. 2.2 Days and periods of validity
      The running days of the compositions are written in red above the composition. More than one composition can be valid for the same days.

      Specifically for Belgium:
      In Belgium, three periods are distinguished in the timetable: "normal" period, period of the annual holidays and the touristic period.
      The priority scheme is the following: "normal" period > period of the annual holidays > the touristic period.
      The period of the annual holidays is valid for the touristic period if no specific composition is shown for that period.
      Equally if no composition is given for the period of annual holidays and/or for the touristic period, the "normale" composition is valid for the entire period.

      Some examples:

      In the case here below, the normal composition is valid for both Saturday and Sunday. However, Saturday and Sunday have different compositions in other periods. It must be noticed that on Saturday the normal composition is also valid during the annuals holidays and that the composition on Sunday is also valid during the touristic period. See above the priority scheme.

      In this example, the period beginning on the 4th of September 2023 is a normal period. This is cancelling all the previous periods from this specified date.

      In the example below, both shown compositions have the same running days as well as the same period. It means that both compositions can be observed during that period.

    3. 2.3 Modification to the composition
      During the journey of a train, its composition can vary. An element can be added or removed. It can also happen that a train is proceeding further under another number.
      Adding and removing an element during the journey: the station where that operation is taking place is indicated.
      Here below the first AM86 is added to the front of the train in Leuven.

      In this case the last AM86 is removed from the rear end in Leuven.

      In the case an element that has been added or removed is running under another number, the junction station is indicated as well as the number of the train from/until that station.

      In the interesting example below, train 19701 is added in Kortrijk to train 729. On Saturdays, next to the extra AM96 added in Kortrijk, train 19703 is also added. On Sundays, two AM96's are added in Kortrijk. Clicking on the train number leads to its file. In this case, trains 19701 and 19703 are running between Lille-Flandres and Kortrijk.

      If a train number is indicated without any station, its means that the current train is the continuity of another train or continues under another number from its departure or arrival station. In the example below, train 927 will continue as 19906 towards Lille-Flandres from its arrival station, Tournai.

      In the one below, it is the opposite. Train 908 from Tournai is the continuity of train 19909 from Lille-Flandres.

  3. 3. Searching for compositions
    BeLuxTrains aims to become a website where a maximum of compositions are gathered and must so have a simple way to access to the informations, it contains. So a searching system has been implemented to select the compositions following a few criteria.

    1. 3.1 Which are the searching criteria ?
      By default, year and country must be selected. The search for trains can then be executed following 7 other different criteria that can be combined. Any unselected criterion will be ignored.

      1. 3.1.1 Train number
        This search is done by filling the adequate field with the train number. Only figures are accepted.

      2. 3.1.2 Category
        This request is done by choosing a station in the scrolling menu. The result will show all trains of that category.

      3. 3.1.3 Station

        This request is done by choosing a station in the scrolling menu. The result will show all trains that have that station as departure, arrival or passing station.

      4. 3.1.4 Railway company
        This search can be made by choosing a company in the menu. The result will show all trains operated totally or partially by that company.

      5. 3.1.5 Rolling stock
        This search is made by choosing till 3 vehicles in the menu. The result will show all trains operated with that rolling stock. Please note: the search result is not limited to the combination of the selected vehicles in the same composition!

      6. 3.1.6 Running days
        The request is done by selecting weekdays or weekend days.

      7. 3.1.7 Running period
        This is only valid for Belgium. This criterion allows to limit the search to a specific period.

  4. 4. Miscellaneous
    1. 4.1 The timetables
      SNCB and CFL's tTimetables from different years are available under the tab "Infos", then "Timetables". They are in PDF format.

    2. 4.2 The latest updates
      The lastest added or modified compositions are shown on BeLuxTrains' homepage.